Jan 28, 2021
Wall Street Giants cry over poor people beating them at their own game.
Second half for patrons: https://www.patreon.com/posts/flash-fried-live-46741139
Jan 26, 2021
2 men. 1 insane quiz show. Who will come up on top? Scotty, once again, will put Paul and TJ through a rigourous course to see who really is the King of Trivia. What's at stake you ask? 7 POUNDS of luxury jerky. That's right. 7 delicous pounds of luxury craft jerky by the syndicated international jerky cartel known as...
Jan 20, 2021
This is the first half of Flash Fried. The second half can be found on Patreon.
Jan 18, 2021
Jan 18, 2021